The Enriquez maternity and newborn session 2015

Here are few of the beautiful photos from Misty's maternity session and Avery's adorable newborn session.  It was a pleasure working with their beautiful family. 

Keira's newborn session 2015

Keira's newborn session was taken earlier this year.   I truly enjoyed working with such a sweet newborn and her lovely family. 

London's beautiful family

Here's a few of my favorite photos from London's first birthday and family session.  London has such Beautiful eyes and I really tried to get really close shots of her.  When you see her parents, you can also see where she gets her beauty. 

Saki's maternity session

It's always such a pleasure to work with this sweet family.   Saki is expecting her second child and she looks beautiful.  I see so much love and joy for one another as I photograph their session.
